Welcome to the USS Ares!

Welcome to the Akira class USS Ares. A Star Trek Simm set in the year 2374.


Current Mission:

Welcome Home Stranger!

Captain Alec Hunter has just returned from a two year undercover mission as a Romulan General. His mission brief to find what the Romulans have been up to. Learning that the Romulans are amassing for an attack on Starbase 135 and the surrounding worlds to give them a clear foothold into Federation space, he returns to take command of the USS Ares.

Latest News Items

» Sad, Terrible News

Posted on Fri May 3rd, 2024 @ 3:45pm by Captain Alec Hunter in General News

Crew of the Ares

I come before you with some sad news concerning one of the Are's crew members.

Ayesha, who plays Lia, mother has passed away earlier this day. Please remember Ayesha in your thoughts and prayers at this dreadfully sad time.


» Further updates

Posted on Fri Jan 19th, 2024 @ 11:47am by Lieutenant JG Danica Hunter in General News

Extra content added to the site:

- Tour items; 2 Bridge images.
- Specifications for the Akira class.

Also added further crew to the manifest:

- Marine Scout/Sniper
- Marine Demolitions Specialist/Combat Engineer
- Combat Medic
- Marine Detachment Counsellor
- Civilian Family members
- Bartender

» Changes & Website updates

Posted on Fri Jan 19th, 2024 @ 8:32am by Lieutenant JG Danica Hunter in General News

Ship update - We are now an Akira Class Starship!

Website updates: below is a list of updates added to the site in the last 24 hours.

- Images added to main page, and USS Ares page.
- Deck listing added to the wiki.

Further updates will be added soon including Specs.

Latest Mission Posts

» Arrival

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Posted on Mon Mar 25th, 2024 @ 11:18pm by Commander Aurelia Holmes & Captain Alec Hunter


Lia stood on the transporter pad of a new ship, looking round she nodded. *So this is home now*. Stepping down she saluted the transporter personnel and headed out towards the bridge, It had taken some time to get this tour of duty, things had gotten messy in her…

» Getting to know you - Part 2

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Posted on Mon Mar 25th, 2024 @ 6:00pm by Lieutenant JG Danica Hunter & Captain Alec Hunter

Having unpacked her things and learned how to put up a tent, Dani was sitting on a large log in-front of the campfire. “This is nice, being able to look up at the stars, plus it’s a bonus not having to worry about the weather!”

Alec smiled at his daughter.…

» First Impressions.

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2024 @ 7:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Rella Diron Dr & Captain Alec Hunter

Rella tugged at her collar as she pressed the chime on the door to the Captain's ready room. The need for her in the sickbay on the station had finally finished and, after a shower in her new quarters she has swiftly dressed tied back her red hair and raced…

» Run in with the devil

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2024 @ 9:15am by Lieutenant Commander Rella Diron Dr & Captain Alec Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Danica Hunter

Rella had barely time to put her belongings down, shower and change into her uniform before her com badge pipped. =/\= Doctor Diron, this is nurse Michelson , sorry to bother you but we have multiple explosive injures from a Derian freighter on the way. Please can you......=/\=

Rella cut…

» Together....Finally!

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Posted on Thu Mar 7th, 2024 @ 1:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Casey Callaghan

Arriving home Shauna paused inside the door of her quarters, the sight of more bags piled up on the floor was a surprise, even more so when she set eyes on her husband. “Casey!!!” She practically ran and jumped into his arms showering him with passionate kisses.

He turned and…