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Mon Mar 25th, 2024 @ 11:18pm

Commander Aurelia Holmes

Name Aurelia Rebecca Holmes

Position Chief Security/Tactial Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 128
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description Lia is physically fit, and because of her Starfleet Intelligence work has been injured many times.


Spouse Divorced
Children One daughter, Angel. Deceased.
Adopted daughter Liarrana Imi Female Betazoid aged 3 (Lives with divorced spouse)
Father Fraiser
Mother Manuela
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Various aunts and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lia has trust problems, and finds very hard to let people in. She can come off as being a bit anti-social, but once you get to know her a fun side will appear.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Focused on doing the right thing
+ Tries to be fair to those under her command
- Can be over critical of herself
- Has trust issues
Ambitions To follow one Captain Janeway, and one day Command a Starship.
Hobbies & Interests Lia has an interest in Japanese culture and the medium of anime, she has attempted to learn Japanese but as yet to master it. Training to be a Geisha is another main hobby of hers, she also enjoys history but limits that part of her because of the subject matter of her interest.

Personal History Lia was born in 2360 in the Dorset town of Poole, and was sent to an all girls school at age six. She stayed there until the age of seventeen, when she decided to join Starfleet. This was an usual step as most of her family were non military people, one or two were even civil servants. Her life with her family was not a happy one, her father abused her in more than one way. And her mother simply refused to do anything about it, this continued until Lia was about sixteen when her father suddenly died of heart complications. As a result of her family problems Lia has not had a lot of luck with men, in fact she seems to attract the abusive types who continue what her father started. This makes her unwilling to trust men, and in fact getting her to trust people can be almost impossible. After graduating from the Academy in 2382, she joined the USS Endeavour NCC 71805. She then spent seven years at Star Fleet Intelligence, before transferring to the USS Ares.
Service Record 2377 Joined Star Fleet Academy
2382 Posted to NCC 71805 USS Endeavour
2384 Joined Star Fleet Intelligence
Posted to USS Ares