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Command Hiccup

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 6:12pm by Captain Alec Hunter & Commander Marissa Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Ellesanna Vyyr

1,151 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Welcome Home Stanger
Location: USS Exeter, CO's Read Room

Elle walked into the captain's ready room onboard the Exetor. "Lt. Commander Aldrich, can you please tell me why I am up at 0200 hours in the morning?" She noted, as she noted. Commander Aldrich looked at her along with an admiral on subspace. "Commander Vyyr. We're in a situation here. I've been reassigned."

Elle walked to the console and flipped it around to show an Admiral. "What the hell is going on here, Admiral?"

"Commander Vyyr. I'm reassiging you as Acting Commanding Officer onboard the USS Exetor immediately." The Admiral noted.

"Like hell you are." Elle noted. "This kind of shakeup will cause a morale shit..." Aldrich interrupted. "Commander... I have a science background, I'm an explorer. You have a tactical background, in a way."

"In a way, what the hell is going on here, Admiral." The Admiral then spoke. "Commander. We have confimed intelligence of an attempted Romulan invasion of Federation Space. I don't have time to worry about Morale.. I need combat capable commander, in command, of all ships in the operation area.." Ellie understood now. "Keep talking, Admiral."

"Listen, I know its distasteful, but you have the experiences we need. I'm asking you to put aside The ethics of your symbiosis and take command over there, Now I know the Exeter was ferrying you to Starbase 135. You will keep up appearances. I know your ambitions never were for command, but the Vyyr symbiont's talents for command is needed, and I need experienced commanders over there." Elle pondered this. "Promise me this one thing, Admiral. If I do this. I come to you the next time I want to be considered for command. You don't pop into the captain's chair on a whim."

"Commander I'll do what I have to do to defend Federation space, Including poping you on the aforementioned chair. And I'll do one better. Refuse, and I can always pop you onto a relay station for the forseeable future." Elle looked at Aldrich. "Very well, Admiral. Who's in command of this task force?"

"You're reporting to Captain Alec Hunter. Jellico is out." Aldrich spoke to her. "Leave it to Edward Jellico to buck the chain of command for the greater good."

"Sociopathic Asshole." Elle whispered. "We have our orders. I need to talk to Captain Hunter. Open a channel."

An instant later the image of Alec Hunter on the bridge of his ship came into shape. With Mari at his side. A smile crossed his face as he looked back at Elle. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. Long time no see or speak Elle."

Elle spoke. "Nice to see you again, Alec, but we can't reminisce now, and we have precious little time." She noted. "Admiral Jellico has put me in command of the Exeter. Apparently there were doubts about Commander Jeffery Aldrich's ability to command a ship in battle. So Jellico put me in command here as acting CO. I hate it when things like this happens. I'm supposed to be a scientist."

"Couldn't agree more Elle. I know exactly how little time we have. I suggest the three of is meet aboard the Ares." Alec replied with a smile.

*USS Ares, Ready room.*

Lt. Commander Vyyr entered and she spoke. "I would love to sit down and share some Betazoid Aquawine with you two and catch up. But we have a lot to do and little time to do it. I've been putting two and two together trying to figure this out and we have two enemies we're fighting here." She noted. "The Tal'Shair and the Military." She explained. "True we have to defeat this attack, but ultimately, we have to defeat the Tal'Shair." She noted.

:Indeed." Alec intoned. "The military doesn't tell the Tal'Shair anything and vice versa. We need to use their mutual distrust of each other for this to work."

"And I know just how we're going to do it." Elle chuckled. "We need to steal the Tal'Shiar's identity, and make them look completely incompetent. They'll do such things like, Trigger an evacuation of the bases civilians by botching an operation to take down the sensor grid. Or sending vague reports about some new propulsion system back to the military in an inelegant attempt to confound them. Make them really insult the military's intelligence." Elle noted with her eccentric demeanor. "They'll become a bag of snakes. Each one so driven by self interest and suspicion to be useful."

"Starfleet and Section 31 however"...Marissa added. "There I said it, we all know who is pulling the strings here.... Starfleet and Section 31 need to get on the same page. Vyyr I think they want you in command for the same reason I'm out here, neither of us appear to have the experience that we truly have. Elle Vyrr is a young science officer. The Romulans don't know the true experience of Vyrr. As for myself. I just live in the shadow of my hotshot husband. The Romulans think I'm a human without much initiative. They don't know that I'm an Lanthanite that turns 745 years old on my next birthday."

She looked at Alec. "At least I don't think they know."

Elle chuckled. "Oh Commander Hunter. I like the way your mind works. Yes, we do need to seem like I'm another science girl that got put in command of the Exeter, and you need to appear to be the inexperienced commander here, living in the shadow of her husband. The Military will get overconfident, as will the Tal'Shair until our operations succeed in dismantling them here and repurposing them. You see, Marissa. If we're not a threat, they won't take us seriously." She smirked. "That being said, we can operate with a degree of latitude."

Alec shook his head. "They don't know Mari. I can assure you of that and you are in no one's shadow, definitely not mine." Alec looked between Mari and Elle. Mari was his wife, his lover, best friend and confidant. She knew him better than anyone. Elle was a good friend, with a sharp mind who he trusted completely.

Elle smiled. "Then we let them believe that about us, Alex." She noted. "We are about to play the biggest shell game on the Romulan Star Empire ever." She chuckled. "It's going to be great. So, Alex... Wanna dupe the Romulans?"

"I know he does Elle." Mari replied. He just spent a couple of years behind their lines. I know he is ready to help make sure they stay in their own space. We tried to help them when they lost their homeworld. They've take advantage of that and it has to stop."

"Mari is right. I am ready. We need a firm hand in dealing with this. The point in our fair is the military and the Tal Shiar hate each other and don't trust each other. We can use that paranoia against them," Alec replied.


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