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Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 8:18pm

Lieutenant Commander Amanda "Mandy" Hunter-Corelli

Name Amanda "Mandy" Hunter-Corelli

Position Chief Medical Officer

Second Position Surgeon

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human

Physical Appearance


Spouse Frank Corelli
Brother(s) Captain Alec Hunter
Other Family Cmdr Marissa Hunter Sister in Law
Lt Jg Danica Hunter Niece

Personality & Traits

Personal History Amanda is CMO of the USS Ares

Dr Amanda Hunter Corelli (Lt. Cmdr)
Age: 28:
Born: 2365 on Camdus Prime
Height: 5’2
Weight: 110
Hair: Long Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Spouse: Frank Corelli
Amanda grew up on the Camdus Prime colony. Her parents Matthew and Devon are Federation Scientists/Farmers. It was an environment Amanda thrived in and Amanda developed a great interest for Botany and all things science. She loved her big brother Alec. Growing up 7 years younger, she was always the pesky little sister that he called “Big Brain” because she was super smart and kind of geeky. Amanda was crushed when he left to become a mercenary. Not long after he left, when Amanda was still a young teenager, Camdus suffered a horrible attack by a still unknown enemy. Millions died. Her family survived, but the attack changed both she and her brother’s paths in life. Alec came to his senses (Their father’s words) and joined the academy. Amanda became active with a group of young scientists on Camdus that became a think tank for resurrecting the agricultural industry on Camdus. All that before she turned 18. At age 18 she was accepted to the academy as a Botany specialist, but soon changed her focus to medical.
Amanda met and married Lt. Frank Corelli last year while both served on Starbase 135.
Service Record:
Starfleet Academy Medical: 2383-2387
USS Saratoga: Ensign/Lt JG: 2387-2392-Medical Officer
Starbase 135: Lt 2392-2393-Assistant CMO
USS Ares: Lt Cmdr-2393-Present-CMO